Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Scullyfied Simpsons: "Make Room For Lisa" (Season 10, Episode 16)

"Cellular service is all about communication and unity. Community!" - Omnitouch Executive, trying to convince Lisa that having a cellular tower in her room is a good idea. She's not the most infuriating character in that scene.
Airdate: February 28th, 1999.
Written By: Brian Scully.
Plot: Lisa undergoes a day from hell when her trip to a traveling history exhibit goes sour. All thanks to Homer, who manages to damage the Constitution, because comedy. To pay for it, he has to put a cellular tower on top of the roof - taking out Lisa's bedroom for the machinery. (Turns out the government privatized our nation's treasures.) And it all goes down for her from there...


Wow, it's been a while since I took a look at the start collapse of The Simpsons. Now that we're in the depth of the show's decline, may as well come back to see if it's still falling over...

...yup. Still falling over. Alright, everybody - tuck your pants into your socks, cos this is gonna be a whopper of an episode. And by whopper, I mean my god, is this one a trainwreck.

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Happy 29th, Red Dwarf!

Twenty-nine years ago today, Red Dwarf made its debut on BBC Two.

It's actually rather incredible that it even debut - according to the Red Dwarf website, production was almost killed off due to several strikes. Who, from the head honchos at the BBC, to Grant/Naylor, to Craig, Chris, Danny, and Norman, all the way to even the casual viewer, would've thought it would still be in production today?

Saturday, February 11, 2017

Steven Universe Review: "Winter Forecast" (Season 1B, Episode 16)

I have a feeling that somebody's gonna turn this scene into a PSA.
"If we leave Beach City, bad things are gonna happen. I've seen it. Bad things. Several bad things!" - Steven, surprisingly not suffering through hallucinations... well, not exactly.
Airdate: February 19th, 2015
Written By: Lamar Abrams and Hellen Jo
Plot: A blizzard is plowing its way through to Beach City - thus, Steven must get Connie home before they wind up stranded. However, in an attempt to get more time together, they wind up screwing up, Greg winds up crashing his car in a snowbank, and the three have to trek through the tundra. The Maheswarans, surprisingly, aren't too pleased with this turn of events. Thinking that he may have pulled a David Cameron with his friendship with Connie, Steven begins seeing a pattern on the back of his father's suit... only to return at the scene of the crash.

Yes, before leaving, Garnet gave Steven a bit of a look into the future. But how does he use it? Who will live in his mindscape? And who could die with every turn?


Starting with a personal tangent here - winter is not my favorite season. I dislike the cold, layering up in clothing is an irritating waste of time, snow is a nuisance for the road (although snow days for schools are rather cool), digging out is a nightmare, and any sort of outdoor activities are restricted (granted, I'm not an outdoorsman, but still). Not helping is that, in the New York area (where I live), winter conditions (within a week, like this past one) often vary from "barely present" to "makes New York residents forget the intricacies of global climate change."
Yes, because man-made global climate change always results in unseasonable warmth during the winter. (Fun fact - thanks to this particular New Yorker's newest hobby, this sage advice will be stored by the federal government in perpetuity.)
Still, I will admit that winter tends to stir up some rather passionate and warm feelings. While there's a loud passion about summer, a nostalgia about fall, or a romance about spring, winter gives us a more subdued, warm atmosphere. All I want to do when the snow falls is switch the kettle on and drink a nice cup of tea. In short, while I dislike the technical aspects of winter, I absolutely admire what it symbolizes.

I think that explains part of my warm feelings towards this warm, warm episode of Steven Universe - a fine showcase on one of the most enduring partnerships I've seen in any sort of media, as well as a more positive follow-up to the more dramatic "Future Vision" and a damn fine analysis of leadership presented by Steven and Garnet.